Jul 5, 2011

A Grand Ol' Parade!!

Waiting for the Woodstown Parade!
For the past few years we have made a tradition to go to the Woodstown Parade.  (Here we are in 2008, 2009, and 2010...it is fun to see go back and see how much the kids have changed.  It does go by quickly)  We love the Woodstown Parade, because it is a simple small town parade, with firetrucks, tractors, and the most important....CANDY!!  (The kids know this parade as the "Candy Parade", and they start asking in the middle of June, when is the "Candy Parade" coming?)

This year we weren't disappointed!  We saw every firetruck from the county, (seriously, I hope there isn't a fire on July 4th from 10-12...you are out of luck!) saw lots of tractors, and got 2 lbs of candy!  What a great way to start off to this day!

Marianna waiting for the candy

Minor league Wilmington Blue Rocks mascot "Rocky BLUEwinkle" 

Walk back to the truck with our goodies!

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